- Mã sản phẩm: 4140Giá bán : Liên hệHãng sản xuất: Kyoritsu - NhậtBảo hành: 12 thángTình trạng: Còn hàngSố lượng:THÔNG SỐ KỸ THUẬT:Hãng sản xuất: Kyoritsu
Xuất xứ: Nhật
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
Chức năng đo tổng trở mạch vòng: L-PE ATT OFF, L-PE ATT ONL-N / L-L
Chức năng PFC (L-PE) / PSC (L-N / L-L): PFC, PFC (ATT), PSC
Đo thứ tự pha: 50~500V
Đo điện áp: 0~500V /±2%rdg
Nguồn: pin 1.5V AA × 6
Kích thước: 84 (L) × 184 (W) × 133 (D) mm
trọng lượng: 860g
Phụ kiện kèm theo: Dây nguồn, dây đo, 9155 (dây đeo), 156 (túi đựng), LR6 (pin) × 6,HDSD, chứng chỉ hiệu chuẩn của hãng
Anti-Trip Technology for complete trip free Loop testing on all RCDs rated 30mA and above. • Dual Display allows simultaneous measurements like Loop & PFC/PSC. • Two wire connection for Loop L-L, L-N and PSC testing is possible. • Phase rotation, Voltage and Frequency measurements. • Lock-down test button for hands free testing with auto-start operation. • Display and front panel keyboards with Backlight to be visible in dark places. • Water and Dust proof (IP54) Loop Impedance Function L-PE ATT OFF L-PE ATT ON L-N / L-L Rated Voltage 230V (50/60Hz) L-N: 230V (50/60Hz)
L-L: 400V (50/60Hz)Operating Voltage 100~280V (45~65Hz) 100~500V (45~65Hz) Range (Auto-Ranging) 20/200/2000Ω 20/200/2000Ω
(L-N<20Ω)20Ω Nominal Test Current at 0Ω External Loop: Magnitude/Duration at 230V 20Ω: 6A/40ms
200Ω: 2A/20ms
2000Ω: 15mA/500msL-N: 6A/60ms
N-PE: 10mA/approx.5s20Ω: 6A/20ms Accuracy ±3%rdg±4dgt(*1) ±3%rdg±6dgt(*1) L-N: ±3%rdg±4dgt
L-L: ±3%rdg±8dgtPFC (L-PE) / PSC (L-N / L-L) (*2) Function PFC PFC (ATT) PSC Rated Voltage 230V (50/60Hz) L-N: 230V (50/60Hz)
L-L: 400V (50/60Hz)Operating Voltage 100~280V (45~65Hz) 100~500V (45~65Hz) Range (Auto-Ranging) 2000A/20kA 2000A/20kA (L-N<20Ω) 2000A/20kA Nominal Test Current at 0Ω External Loop: Magnitude/Duration at 230V 20Ω: 6A/40ms
200Ω: 2A/20ms
2000Ω: 15mA/500msL-N: 6A/60ms
N-PE: 10mA/approx.5s20Ω: 6A/20ms Phase Rotation Operating Voltage 50~500V, 45~65Hz Remarks Correct phase sequence: displayed "1.2.3" and mark
Reversed phase sequence: displayed "3.2.1" and markVolts Function Volts Frequency Measuring range 0~500V 45~65Hz Accuracy ±2%rdg±4dgt ±0.5%rdg±2dgt General Applicable standards IEC 61010-1 CAT.III 300V (500V L to L),
IEC 61010-031, IEC 61557-1, 3, 7, 10,
IEC 60529 (IP54), IEC 61326 (EMC)Power source 1.5V AA batteries × 6 *Use of alkaline batteries (LR6) is recommended. Dimensions 84 (L) × 184 (W) × 133 (D) mm Weight 860g (including batteries) Accessories included Main cord (*3)
Distribution board test lead (*4)
9155 (Shoulder strap)
9156 (Soft case)
LR6 (Battery) × 6, Instruction manual, Calibration certificate(*1): Accuracy of L-N LOOP displayed on the Sub Display is synchronized with the one at L-N/L-L function. (*2): PSC/PFC Accuracy is derived from measured loop impedance specification and measured voltage specification. (*3): 7187A (Power cord [UK]), 7218A (Power cord [EU]), 7221A (Power cord [SA]), 7222A (Power cord [AU]) (*4): 7246 (Blue, Green, Red), 7247 (Black, Green, Red)
Xin vui lòng liên hệ để được hỗ trợ tốt nhất
Công ty cổ phần thiết bị điện Hoàng Phương
Địa chỉ: Số 19, ngõ 44, phố Võ Thị Sáu ,P.Thanh Nhàn ,
Q.Hai Bà Trưng , TP Hà Nôi.
MST: 0106798886
MST: 0106798886
Tel: 04.3215.1322
Fax: 04.3215.1323
Email : Kinhdoanh2.hpe@gmail.com
Skype: kinhdoanh2.hpe@gmail.com
Website http://hoangphuongjsc.com
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